About DIET Diphu

The District institute of Education and training (DIETs) were envisioned in the National policy of education, 1986, and were created by the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development in the early 1988-89 to strengthen elementary education and support the decentralization of education to the district level.

Functions of a DIET

  1. Training and orientation of the following groups:-
  • Elementary school teachers (both pre-service and in-service education)
  • Head master, Head of school complexes and officers of education Department up to Block level and cluster level.
  • Instructors and supervisors of Non-formal and Adult Education (induction level and continuing education)
  • Members of DBE and village Education Committee (VECs) Community leaders, youth and other volunteers who wish to work as educational activities.
  • Resource Persons who will conduct suitable programmes i.e., workshop, seminar, short term programmes etc. for the target groups mentioned at (a) and (b) above, at centers other than the DIET.

2. Academic and resource support to the elementary and adult education systems in the district in other ways e.g. i)by extension activities and interaction with the field ii) provision of services of a resource and learning center for teachers and instructors, iii) development of locally relevant materials teaching aids, evaluation tools etc., and         iv) serving as an evaluation center for elementary school and programmes of NFE/AE

3. Action research and experimentation to deal with specific problems of the district in achieving the objectives in the areas of elementary and adult education.

4.      Strengthening Teacher Education and District.

5.      a) Conducting ISTE programmes for teacher educators, master resource persons and teachers

b) Monitoring the quality of ISTE for teacher and its contribution to TPD and school improvement through quantitative and qualitative studies.

c) Monitoring the ISTE system through the use of training management systems and the empanelment of MRPs

d) Establishing a forum for teacher educators of the District.

e) Establishing a forum for student teachers of the District TEIs.

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