What’s New
- Report on Two days Leadership & Management Program for CRCC’s of Karbi Anglong District on 2nd and 3rd of September 2024.
- 2-Days Non-Residential Karbi Language Teacher’s (KLT) Orientation Programme on Capacity Building
- Two days workshop on Sports integrated pedagogy at Bokajan Block
- Two days workshop on Sports integrated pedagogy
- Painting Competition AKAM
Library Information
DIET, Karbi Anglong, Diphu has a library with over 5000 books and Journals. Books will be supplied to the trainees according to Library rules. For the benefit of the trainees Library card will be issued. The Librarian issues instructions regarding the facilities and maintenance of Library books.
Principal’s Desk

A warm welcome to you in our DIET .This DIET came to existence in 2014 to meet out the demands of the local community and to be a breeding ground of positive ideas, in every sphere of activity .We try to inculcate the love of knowledge in our students and help them develop the skills and demeanour of “lifelong learning” essential for making responsible global citizens ,capable of facing the future with resilience and optimism .This institution with its infrastructure and best available human resource is at your disposal to help you grow and be well-equipped to meet the challenges of the world.
I wish all the very best to all.
About DIET Diphu

The District institute of Education and training (DIETs) were envisioned in the National policy of education, 1986, and were created by the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development in the early 1988-89 to strengthen elementary education and support the decentralization of education to the district level.
Affiliation & Recognition
DIET, Karbi Anglong, Diphu is a Government Teachers Training Institute under the Government of Assam and Administrative controlled by Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council, Diphu. To running the B.Ed course the institute is affiliated to Assam University, Silchar. DIET, Karbi Anglong, Diphu is recognized by NCTE(National Council for Teacher Education), Eastern Regional Committee Vide Order F.No. ER-239.6.26(Part-2)/ID No. – 10234/B.Ed./2017/52780 Dated 02.05.2017.